/* File Name: TFMP_example.ino
* Developer: Bud Ryerson
* Inception: 29 JAN 2019
* Last work: 11 APR 2019
* Description: Arduino sketch to test the Benewake TFMini Plus
* time-of-flight Lidar ranging sensor using the TFMPlus library.
* Default settings for the TFMini Plus are a 115200 serial baud rate
* and a 100Hz measurement frame rate. The device will begin returning
* measurement data right away:
* Distance in centimeters,
* Signal strength in arbitrary units,
* and an encoded number for Temperature in degrees centigrade.
********************** IMPORTANT ************************
**** Changed name of 'buildCommand()' to 'sendCommand()'. ****
* Use the 'sendCommand' to send commands and return a status code.
* Commands are selected from the library's list of defined commands.
* Parameters can be entered directly (115200, 250, etc) but for
* safety, they should be chosen from the library's defined lists.
#include "TFMPlus.h" // Include TFMini Plus Library v1.3.2
TFMPlus tfmP; // Create a TFMini Plus object
#include "printf.h"
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> // alternative software serial library
SoftwareSerial mySerial(6, 5); // TX, RX Pins
uint16_t tfDist; // Distance measurement in centimeters (default)
uint16_t tfFlux; // Luminous` flux or intensity of return signal
uint16_t tfTemp; // Temperature in degrees Centigrade (coded)
uint16_t loopCount; // Loop counter (1-20)
/* - - - - - A few useful Lidar commands - - - - - */
// Try three times to get the firmware version number
// which is saved as 'tfmp.version', a three byte array.
void firmwareVersion()
for( uint8_t fvi = 1; fvi < 4; ++fvi)
if( tfmP.sendCommand( OBTAIN_FIRMWARE_VERSION, 0))
// If successful, display the version number...
//printf( "Lidar firmware version: %1u.%1u.%1u\r\n",
// tfmP.version[ 0], tfmP.version[ 1], tfmP.version[ 2]);
break; // and brreak out of loop.
// If not successful, display the attempt number
// and the error: HEADER, CHERCKSUM, SERIAL, tec.
printf( "Get firmware version failed. "); // Display error message...
printf( "Attempt: %u", fvi); // attempt number..
tfmP.printStatus( false); // and error status.
delay(100); // Wait to try again
void factoryReset()
printf( "Lidar factory reset ");
if( tfmP.sendCommand( RESTORE_FACTORY_SETTINGS, 0))
printf( "passed.\r\n");
printf( "failed.");
tfmP.printStatus( false);
void frameRate( uint16_t rate)
//printf( "Lidar frame rate ");
tfmP.sendCommand( SET_FRAME_RATE, rate);
if( tfmP.sendCommand( SET_FRAME_RATE, rate))
printf( "set to %2uHz.\r\n", rate);
printf( "command failed.");
tfmP.printStatus( false);
void saveSettings()
printf( "Lidar device settings ");
if( tfmP.sendCommand( SAVE_SETTINGS, 0))
printf( "saved.\r\n");
printf( "not saved.");
tfmP.printStatus( false);
/* - - - End of useful Lidar commands - - - - */
void setup()
Serial.begin(115200); // Intialize terminal serial port
delay(20); // Give port time to initalize
printf_begin(); // Initialize printf.
//printf("\r\nTFMPlus Device Library - 09MAR2019\r\n"); // say 'hello'
mySerial.begin( 115200); // Initialize TFMPLus device serial port.
delay(20); // Give port time to initalize
tfmP.begin( &mySerial); // Initialize device library object and...
// pass device serial port to the object.
//firmwareVersion(); // send a few commands
loopCount = 0; // Reset loop counter.
tfDist = 0; // Clear device data variables.
tfFlux = 0;
tfTemp = 0;
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
delay(500); // And wait for half a second.
// Use the 'getData' function to pass back device data.
void loop()
for( uint8_t fvi = 1; fvi < 6; ++fvi)
//printf( "Loop:%02u", loopCount); // Display the loop count.
if( tfmP.getData( tfDist, tfFlux, tfTemp)) // Get data from the device.
printf( "%04u", tfDist); // Display the distance.
/*if(tfDist < 20){
for(int i =0; i <10;i++){
tone(11, 392);
break; // Escape this sub-loop
else // If the command fails...
tfmP.printStatus( true); // display the error.
printf("\r\n"); // Send CR/LF to terminal
delay(10); // Delay to match the 100Hz data frame rate.